Monday, August 09, 2010


Back in the office for a "regular" week for a change.  Although my "regular" week does end with a Weekend With the Winniferous.  That could be a sitcom in the making.

One of the discussion points of my broker-dealer meeting in KC was the impact of the various marketing efforts a selling agent might employ in the pursuit of new business.  Two of the session-speakers brought in for their motivational pitches both spoke about the importance of one-on-one techniques rather than traditional cold-calling, dinner-seminars, and direct mailings.  The one guy described the equivalent of a war-plan as the protocol to go after a specific prospect.  Interesting.

Ironically, the hosting company welcomed the brokers with gift packs that included a book (authored by one of the speakers), an engraved Parker ballpoint pen, and a plastic paper weight with an embedded commemerative coin.  Not exactly New Age marketing chotsky's.

Life on the Interstate included a stop at the Adventureland exit for gas and a soda.  That truckstop is a case-study on what not to do with egress traffic flow.  A wimpy driver could spend the afternoon waiting for a break in the action to re-enter the pattern.  I'm thinking that a lot of the major fueling Interstate exits have similar problems.  I suspect that sales people who spend a lot of time on the road have the system figured out.  For the rest of us, it's a challenge just getting out of the parking lot.

More later.



3 said...

Weekend with Winniferous wouldn't make it past the pilot. Old man and dog hang out on the couch with a crossword puzzle watching nascar. Later they go for slow run. After a shower to cool off, they sit on the driveway. Probably another crossword for the Lt. Chasing cars for Winnie. Good life? Yes. Award winning television? Mehhhhh...?

1 said...

surely she would chew something in between all the crosswords.... ;)

2 said...

Winnie is cute enough to deserve a show. She is so cute!!!! And she love lt pc! Give her a few bones to hide and you won't need nascar (although, someone in class this week said formula 1 is way better).