Friday, August 20, 2010


Well, today definitely is Friday.  And I'm glad of it.

I may go down to Muskie for cocktails, but I have to pick up the Buick for the trip.  I had taken it in for routine maintenance earlier in the week, and it just hasn't been convenient to retreive it before now.  Maybe staying over night at my pal Roy's as we have a tentative tee time for tomorrow morning.  All bets are off if the rain comes in as forecasted.

My next retail purchase will be a pulsating/blinking tail light for my bike.  Leaving at 0550 is now a bit iffy.  @bcbison has lights both front and back (one that I gave him!) and the shrinking daylight demands better biker-visibility for those headed to work early (and who are running late!).  In another couple of weeks or so, the before-work rides will be history.  Maybe spin class?

Miss USA 2010.  In costume.  Why shouldn't she be on the blog?

Oh.  She had her say on the GZM.  Didn't get cleared by the WH in advance.  Who will be "explaining" what she really meant?  Then again, she's probably been excommunicated for the bikini shots (or whatever they do short of decapitation for such offenses).

4's comment on yesterday's entry about the AP is interesting.  I think that before the age of on-line news, the AP (and network TV for that matter) were considered un-biased reporters of events.  I began joking in the early '90's that I had become a USA Today reader because their "McPaper" approach kept the editorials on the Opinion Page, in contrast to the local rag and the Des Moines Register.  (Funny now how USA Today has dropped any semblance of effort to portray anything but contempt for non-progressive thought.)

In the Information Age, these old-line, mass-distributors have had their veils of bias pulled back, but for the most part, they have hunkered down with a self-confidence that their left-leaning perspectives are what's best for the public.  Of course, the print business is all but dead, and the major TV networks keep spliting a smaller piece of the media pie.  But they still matter (I think).  Maybe they should just issue a disclaimer at the bottom of the page or screen.  Whatever.  I can't recall the last time I watched a network news show.

Wow.  That got a little off track.  Sorry.  I think Katie Couric is just peachy great!  Brain Williams is a hunk!  And that ABC person can turn a word!  (Balanced reporting here!)

Off for the evening.


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