Monday, November 02, 2009


Can you say November? Or Standard Time? I knew that September would fly, but what happened to October? And when you say "The November Classic", the World Series is not what immediately comes to mind. Whatever.

I'm working on a new twist for occasional blog entries using a collection approach. Really just a way to throw out unrelated ideas in the same entry. Some columnists use formats like, Some Things I Think, or Today's Headlines, to structure a repetitive template. My idea is to use title concepts to help bring my thoughts to publish-able material. I dabbled with the idea earlier when I suggested using the standard USA Today sections as creativity catalysts. This maybe expands that thought with almost a Top Ten theme to things.

The title concepts include (and could be added to) as follows:


That's certainly a good start. Now I need to figure out if Blogger can help with the presentation format. It would be nice if I could just hit a key and the titles would populate the page. (I doubt if that is going to happen.)

More later.



1 said...

for anyone's a girl:) at least we're pretty sure it is. the appointment went well. baby is about 2lb 11oz and was moving and practicing breathing just like she was supposed to be. she was head down, facing my back, basically spread-eagle, which you would think would make it easy to see the gender, but it was sort of awkward. this position does explain the strange jabbing i've been feeling on my sides. i was wondering how she was managing that! heartrate was 140. never gets old hearing that sound. back to the dr. on thurs for my glucose test.
our newly purchased baby furniture is expected to arrive in 8-12 weeks...hopefully before i deliver! and the dang bedroom set better last till she's 30! it will be the nicest furniture we have in our house...sad, sad.
otherwise all is good. still running 4-6 miles, but it sure isn't as fun now as it used to be. i should be fine for the trot, though. we start a new quarter at school next week, and i'll be picking up an additional class-speech. i know the next few months will be busy because i'm teaching all new material and i'm enrolled in a class myself. thank goodness i'm not coaching basketball!!! i'd really be miserable then.
28 weeks is awfully close to 40!

camperkev said...

Glad to hear all is as it should be. Erica just picked up her glucose kit last week. Not sure when she goes back for actual test. I know what you mean about the furniture. It all starts anew when you upgrade to the big girl bed. :)