Sunday, November 08, 2009


Not the best of days yesterday for the Hawks, Irish or Clones. The moon and the stars had to be aligned on the wrong axis again. At least Iowa still has a chance for Pasadena. Is there a course available on campus, "Horseshoe Quarterbacking for Visitors"?

Lincoln on game day is dressed in red. But the masses are generally well-behaved compared to IC. No Melrose Street mayhem like South of Kinnick. And the bars downtown were crowded, but not packed. (We even got chairs. Is $7.50 a pitcher a good deal?) No obnoxiously over-served collegians marauding downtown with a case of beer on their shoulders.

The home team rewarded it's fans with a victory (as I learned this AM). But it was patently un-offensive. But a win is a win is a win. Don't some of our fav's wish.

Enjoyed (and agree with) yesterday's comments on the library hypothesis. Mostly, I think that the role of libraries has, and will continue to evolve. While I have used the library to find books just to read, my most significant use was for research. (High school, college, grad-school, and originally for my tax work.) And that aspect of libraries has certainly faded with the expansion of the Internet. (We actually had a "library" room in our office building when it was built 20 years ago, but that room has long-ago been converted to more-productive office space.)

For high school and college, the library was definitely a social gathering-spot. "Going to the library" was always my cover for a mid-week date with my high school girl friends. And I met a number of "friends" at the St. Mary's library during my ND days. I mean, ND was a non-coeducational institution in those days.

Tall Americano's for the sleepers. More from the road.


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