Friday, November 06, 2009


So Friday night coming to you from the newsroom at Channel 8 in Lincoln. 2 and I made really good time and arrived in town a little early. We're keeping an eye on things as the 10PM newscast is being put together by 4 and her associates. Cool!

Need to amend that earlier posting about my stupidity. You could say that I am improving. Or not. But I did find the smart phone holster. Hiding under some stuff in my office. (My new trick is dropping the phone and the little magnetized stylus popping out of it's receded position at the bottom of the phone. So far, I've been able to retrace my steps when this has happened. At least twice this week. But it's just a matter of time.)

Mid-60's today in the QCA. Could be near perfect tail-gating weather tomorrow in IC. Hope the Hawks show up for kick-off this week.

2 and I put a murder/mystery book-on-CD for the ride over this evening. Marginal. We got though just about half of it, so our memories will be challenged come Sunday for the return trip. It does help pass the time. I'm mildly surprised that the library doesn't have a bigger selection.

Query: What is the future of libraries? At some point, won't all of the information be on-line? I mean, look at Blockbuster. That's a business that will be toast in 3-5 years. Star Trek is us.

A couple of points on Starbuck's. As noted on Twitter earlier this week by 1, they are discontinuing the Gold Card program as of the end of the year. Supposedly to give even better deals to their customers. But do the math. The new deal will be a free drink after 15 purchases. Great, but right now I get a 10% discount on every Cup o' Fire. So by the Transitive Principle, I get a free drink after 10 drinks. So why is a free one after 15 a better deal?

It may be to pay for the increase in cup usage as a result of the new policy that they can't use your same cup on a re-fill purchase. I know Wendy's went through the same policy on their unlimited soda offer several years ago. I figure that the SB's change is swine flu related. (I refuse to use the PC reference to H1N1.)

1 reports that the baby aced her first test. All systems were at the "excellent" level in her check-up this week.

So it's getting close to show time. Maybe I'll check in tomorrow. Lots of football.



Anonymous said...


Library's are big in my community(Incline Village) Lots of social interaction. Is the wine any better in Lincoln?

Tahoe Phil

Anonymous said...

You need to not worry about losing thing. They eventually turn up. I do not even start to be concerned before 30 days.

Tahoe Phil

Anonymous said...

Does anybody care that BS won tonight..

Tahoe Phil

camperkev said...

The new ebook reader from Barnes and Noble, the Nook, will accept the most common ebook file formats, which are available in public libraries today. The kindle from Amazon doe not accept these file formats. Anyone remember Betamax vs. VHS, it's the same type of deal. I pre-ordered my nook a couple of weeks ago. Libraries will live on, although I can't speak to the social interaction aspect that is taking place in Incline Village. The library at my college is a joint-use library between the county and college. The library is full of mostly kids (under age 12).

2 said...

If the libraries go away, where will all the homeless people hang out during the winter? And really, holding a screen is just not the same as holding a book.

camperkev said...

The jury is still out on that one.

Anonymous said...

Martha said:

I will always love libraries! When we were kids we met at the South Side Library on our Saturday afternoons in Ottuwma. My first job was at the Ottumwa Public Library which was a Carnegie Library and then four years at the Iowa State Library. Surprisingly Las Vegas has a great library system. Because of the economy it is currently showing a big increase in patronage. They have downloadable ebooks and great on line services such as databases

1 said...

who knew libraries would be such a conversation inducing topic? i also love libraries and am a frequent summer patron when i don't have so much school stuff to do. minneapolis recently built a brand new library downtown and it is quite the piece of architecture. i never spent much time at the library in college. go figure.