Monday, November 09, 2009

Monday II

That ripple in the water of my home page picture is Lake Garda Nessie stretching her dorsal fin.

My Turkey Trot training has uncovered a serious question with national security implications. Over the last several years, our local communities have systematically converted the sidewalks at most of the busy street corners to a ramp-style grade with no curb to conform with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Around here, most of those new, graded sidewalk crossings have a metal plate about 2' by 4' with "bumps" across it right in the center of the ramp.

The picture is a close representation of what I'm talking about, although this example is a little longer across and orange compared to the yellow ones I'm used to seeing.

Anyway, on my run last Saturday morning in Lincoln, I came across the same kind of plates at the street corners near where 4 lives. As it happened, my pace Saturday morning was a little...slow? Which gave me a pretty good view of each plate. I noticed that the little bumps on the plates weren't fully rounded, but rather, had several little "nubs" atop each, somewhat flattened bump. A little like the Braille bumps on an elevator panel.

Maybe the current television series "V" just has me spooked, but I'm concerned that the nubs on the bumps are actually a series of signals to aliens (or some other form of bad guys) for an all-out assault at some near-term date. Who knows who's reading these signs?

This is really a time to...



4 said...

Thoroughly enjoyed this entry.

Anonymous said...

Martha said:

USA Today has several interesting articles for football fans.

On libraries: my using habits have been changed by the electronic stuff; I request books on line and then go pick them up when I get email. Don't often browse for books

1 said...

has everyone signed up for the trot? any guesses on the color and ugliness of the t-shirt this year?!