Thursday, May 25, 2006

Chapter Three - Continued - Blog Date 052506

Cedar Rapids 18 April05 1820

Melanie glanced in her rear view mirror as she exited the parking lot of Norm's Place and headed east on 5th Avenue. She saw Calhoun's Expedition turn down the alley toward 4th Avenue for what she knew would be a turn north onto I-380. What had begun as a perfectly enjoyable evening had ended quickly, and badly. Frank Calhoun had apparently been interested in her only for the information that she might be able to provide him on Anthony and/or Cyberware. She was completely stunned. How had he expected her to react? Did he think that she would just roll over and be his snitch?

Her part in the conversation following his plea had been brief and to the point; "Frank," she had said," I though I just heard you say that you were conducting a professional investigation of Cyberware for the NSTF, or whatever you call yourselves, and that you wanted me to be some kind of a source for information about dirty tricks in the company. Was I hearing things? Most of my dates just want to get into my pants or my bank accounts. I'd say that you are setting a new, lower standard for my social life."

"Melanie, please," Frank had tried to interject. "It's really not that way at all. I want to help you too. If Carmondii is actually working on a scheme to defraud the securities markets, you could be caught in the same conspiracy. Whatever part of your wealth that is still connected to Cyberware could be in jeopardy"

But Melanie could handle nothing further from Frank Calhoun tonight. She had stood from the table and said, "Thanks for dinner, Frank. Have a nice life."

Cedar Rapids 18April05 1822

Calhoun accelerated the Expedition onto the northbound entrance ramp of I-380. That went well, he thought to himself. Let's see. I gave up non-public information on a classified case. I burned my best connection to get new information on Cyberware. I pissed off, maybe forever, a woman who clearly has everything that I would want in a relationship. And I certainly complicated several other friendships. What more could a guy accomplish in less than two hours? Life sucks.

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