Tuesday, December 10, 2013


Brrrrr.  We've definitely had Winter settle in the last couple of days.  The snow started just after 1st Coffee on Sunday, and eventually amounted to between 2 and 3 inches.  When the temps then went down, the snow stayed, roads got slick, and it was standard Winter conditions.  No confusion now about things "not feeling like Christmas".

For the record, my sidewalk and driveway were handled by my neighbors while I was at the office on Sunday afternoon.  I think that my across-the-street neighbor Rick tested his new snow blower attachment for his John Deere lawn tractor.  It works.  I think that PN Jim was reduced to supervisory duties.

I saw a story online yesterday that the Super Bowl in New Jersey will not allow tailgating or even the drop-off of fans by private limo.  How can it be a real football game if you can't tailgate?  Of course, people who can actually afford to go to the Super Bowl may not be your standard tailgater's, but it seems a little odd to see the way they want to sanitize the experience.  Surely it is not to protect the concessions profits inside the stadium, right?  I mean how many $10 hot dogs do they need to sell?  The public transportation pass is like $50... which may be one of the least expensive items associated with the game.  Whatever.

Actually, my guess is that part of this change, maybe most of it, is for security reasons.  Another by-product of the Boston Marathon. Then again, if the East Coast gets the weather Super Bowl week that they had in C-town last night, limited tailgating will not be much of an issue.

I'll be curious to see if Hawkeye Nation migrates to Tampa for the Outback Bowl on January 1st.  Since Iowa didn't qualify for a bowl game last year, there may be some pent-up demand in the fan-base for a January game in a warm weather destination.  This game is an upgrade from the mid-season forecast, entirely the result of those last two wins against Michigan and Nebraska.  A loss in either of those games could have sent the Hawks to Dallas.

The Irish in NYC in December?  Hmmm.  The couch seems like a good option.

2 went back to work yesterday.  Dragging that leg around all day will be a challenge, but it has to beat sitting at home.  Adjusting to limitations goes on for everyone everyday.  Good luck, Kiddo!

Iowa native Zack Johnson pulled off an improbable win Sunday against Tiger Woods in a Silly Season tournament in California.  Trailing by four shots with eight holes to play, Zack lit up the course on the back 9, most notably with holing out an 80-yard wedge shot on the 18th hole to force a play-off.  Even for Zach, take a bucket of balls, and the likelihood of making a shot like that gets in the low single digits.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vDvfmXAyYKE&feature=player_embedded.  Very heady stuff for the Drake graduate.  Good for him.

I took my bike to the shop over the weekend to have a Winter tune-up.  That tune-up has turned into an "over-haul" and I fear for the fee estimate.  The shop owner had told me a week or two ago that they were going to do a promotion to encourage customers to bring in their bikes to get a full re-hab this off-season.  Mine was certainly a candidate, especially after the banging around it received from the airlines in September.  And my 10-year-new-bike schedule suggested (justified?) that I was due to spend some dinero for some upgrades.

There's been lots of improvements in the mechanics of bikes since mine was produced.  One of the interesting changes he suggested was to go from a triple crank front chain ring (granny-gear system) to a traditional double chain ring with additional gears in the rear cassette.  It creates the same gear ratios as I now have with the three rings in front, but saves having to make a shift to a third front gear.  And there will definitely be new shifters on the handlebars, a higher stem to the handlebar base to allow me to sit a little more erect, and new cables throughout.  Almost like a new bike.

(He did say that my bike frame was still near the head of the class.  Good to hear as the frame is usually the most expensive part of the bike.)

Maybe more here later.  Make it a good day in your neighborhood.


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