Wednesday, May 09, 2012


The news on the Taurus was, "Beyond routine".  Actually, it was the second call that got under my skin.  The first call was on some front-end work that they had mentioned when the car was in last time, and the alignment had worsened and tire-wear was showing.  So I had them proceed with that repair.  But when they then called back later and said, "Oops, now we have this other problem", that I lost patience.  I mean, there's a reason why this thing has the vanity plate BEATER.  Hello world.

On the plus side, today is RCL day, and she asked that I leave my step-ladder out so that she can wash the windows!  Her original request was for my "letter" as she struggled with the translation.  (She has a heavy accent.)  It was only when she mentioned the windows that I got the drift.  We both had a good laugh on that one.

In getting ready for the RCL this morning, I gathered a load of clothes for the laundry, as per normal. (Yes, she does my wash, too!)  On my day-bed in the basement, buried amid various things, was one of The W's bones from last weekend.  She had played "find the bone" with me several times when I was down there during her visit, and there were at least three times where she sat in different spots urging me to look harder, and I couldn't find the treasure.  She is a needy one.

I'm thinking that Josh Hamilton's feat of four home runs in a game last night may be one of the rarest of accomplishments in baseball.  I haven't done any research.  But when you think of no-hitters, perfect games, triple plays, hitting streaks, 30-game winning pitchers, etc., the four homer game is up there.

There should be a side-bar story about the fourth home run and the pitcher going after Hamilton rather than playing coy.  If you get into the Unwritten Rules again (see also, Hamels-Harper), I'd say there's a line-item that tells a pitcher that he can't nibble at the strike-zone in that situation.  Especially when the game is not close.  The manager played it straight, showing no quarter, bringing in a lefty to face him in that last at-bat, making it lefty-versus-left.  Baseball is truly a worthy venue for the theater of life.

Our eviction of the tenant made the nightly news last night.  Channel Six was in the parking lot three times yesterday.  Does a commercial eviction on the 6 and 10 telecasts suggest a slow-news day?  I think some disgruntled employees and maybe some parents who were given no notice called the media.  The landlord was only mentioned in passing, and not by name, only the back-rents owed.  The tenant handled this very poorly, and we remain fortunate if this is the end of that human-interest story.  If there had been a pet involved, the Humane Society may have become involved!

Lots to do today in advance of departure tomorrow afternoon for the Left Coast for the weekend.  Make it a good one in your neighborhood!.


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