Monday, February 20, 2012


I had hoped to get a post up earlier today, but couldn't quite make it work.  In theory, with the markets closed today, Criterium should also be off-line.  But the accounting firm is going full-bore, so no rest for those on both sides of the fence!  Moderately slow day though with the banks closed.

The extended weekend with The Winniferous confirmed my hermit-tude.  I have a full time job just trying to keep myself between the ditches these days.

I did take advantage of a Gap President's Day sale and ordered some khaki's to freshen my non-jeans casual look.  After unsuccessfully trying to apply the 25% holiday discount to the pants that I wanted, I elected to call and see if I could convince a sales representative that the offer was a little deceptive.  Mission accomplished.  (It's a RevKev success story!)  Although my pants were marked down, they weren't under the "Sales" category so the automated check-out rejected today's code.  The rep agreed with my point, and over-rode the system, saving me $25 or so.  It was the right thing to do. 

Baseball is back in the news.  Pitchers and catchers were to report over the weekend, with position players coming in later this week.  Doesn't seem like that long ago the the Cards were winning the Series.

I'm actually a little more excited to have NASCAR back on the tube.  The race Saturday night was a real wreck-fest, with my fav the 24 car causing a late race melee that left him upside-down after a long skid on his side and a few barrel-rolls.  The new car specs have created a less-friendly environment for "bump-drafting".  If a guy pushes another guy's left rear through a corner, there will be an accident.

I made a brief visit to Century Heights Avenue yesterday to catch up with 4.  I'm never sure when she will be sleeping.  While there, I attempted to, and was successful at, firing up Margret after her three-month hibernation.  I didn't take her out of the garage, but the roar sounded good.  Maybe in another month or so.

Another on-going annoyance at the office:  renewals of technical and news publications.  I'm pretty sure that they do no cross-verification, constantly purchase new mailing lists, and continue to bombard subscribers with "Rush" offers with "Professional" discounts.  I think these folks went to the same School of Annoyance as the solicitors for Veterans of Foreign Wars and USO.  It's almost a mistake to subscribe or contribute.  A leak becomes a flood.

Hope everyone who enjoyed the day off had a good one. 

More later.


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