Monday, July 26, 2010


RevKev has posted a couple of historical pictures of "the Elders".  Those who were once young are now oldsters.

It looks like the problem with my laptop is my AC adapter and maybe the battery.  Dell is supposed to be dropping by this week with "the fix".  Think I'm taking the under on anything that simple.

My pal Pete is on the road this week with the fam in the Dominican Republic.  No clue what led them there.  Probably some "deal" at a resort.  Don't you go there in the Winter?  So no drafting partner this week.

We had a couple of trees blown over in our office park in a wind storm on Friday afternoon.  And our neighbor West of us had a couple down as well.  Must have been a brief gust right here because there was not a lot of damage in other parts of the city.  $750 to take one out today, and a smaller one goes tomorrow for another $350.  So is the answer to an improving economy more natural disasters?  (Don't tell any one in DC...they might actually work that way!)  Wasn't there a couple of old movies about the USA going to war (or another country starting a war with the USA) to jump start the economy?

A rookie with the Dallas Cowboys has refused to honor the tradition of rookies performing menial (and demeaning) tasks for the veteran players during training camp.  A guy who hasn't caught a pass in the league yet decides to set his own standard of conduct regardless of "the code".  I'm sure he'll find lots of pals in the locker room. 

2 stopped by last night (with The Winniferous) for New York Strips and veggies on the grill.  And an Italian red for the palate.  Suite.  The Summer has been so mixed-up that I bet I haven't fired up the BBQ more than a handful of times.  Weather, travel and lack of initiative all have contributed to this year's under-use of my cooking skills. Steamed broccoli, asparagus and new potatoes have now incented me to invite company over more often in the next few weeks.

For the record, it doesn't look like 2011 will be an FFF event in Tahoe.  I'm sure that we'll have a few fff's (notice lower case) over the next year, but my major 2011 travel is tentatively another European gig, this time with 4 in Northern Spain and Southern France.  There are a few hills  in the Pyrenees that need climbing (including the Col du Tourmalet that was in last Friday's stage).  Barcelona.  Maybe Bilbao?  Lots of options.  The longer range plan for the next week-long FFF would be Tahoe 2012.

I'm off to the bike.  Thanks for reading.


1 comment:

1 said...

I want to come over for a pc BBQ!!! maybe kc next summer. grandma can stay and babysit and take 1.01 to the pool while we bake at the game....