Friday, July 02, 2010


Is there anyone out there with a life who is working on the Friday afternoon before a three-day holiday weekend?  Not sure that I have a life, so being here at my desk this afternoon must qualify me for the non-life category.

My list of Current Mechanical Failures now includes my hot water heater and the main level TV at my house.  The hot water heater went from a trickle leak to a stream yesterday, so a replacement is on the schedule for Tuesday.  Translation: cold showers for the weekend.  Suite.  And the TV has been very erratic since the satellite move last month.  I haven't had the energy to trouble-shoot the problem.  All I know is that I now get no picture on the thing.  The basement unit is fine.  Curious, as they both feed off the same input cable.

Oh, and right on cue, after filling the Taurus up with gas yesterday, the "check engine light" lit up on the dashboard.  Double suite.

Le Tour starts tomorrow.  The Prolog is like a 2-mile individual time trial, a one-at-a-time deal that isn't much for viewing pleasure. (It's possible that the same can be said for 99% of the whole race.)

The whiney 3-time winner Greg Lemond predicts that Lance Armstrong either won't start, or will retire before the race actually enters France on the fourth day. Lemond been a leader in accusing Armstrong of being a doper, and he's taken up recently with admitted doper (and grenade thrower) Floyd Landis.

My holiday weekend plans include such excitement as scraping and restaining the deck at my house, cleaning out my garage, and otherwise preparing for Tahoe.  Biking some each day, but my pal Pete is only available tomorrow, so my Sunday-Monday rides will likely be more work than preferred.  Although I am thinking about a tail-wind ride that would by necessity require a support vehicle for the pick up. (Sounds like a job for 2 and The Winniferous!)

Here's a short Top Ten list on stuff in the news that is just TOO MUCH ALREADY!:

1.  Lebran James.  Please. Pick a team.  Get over it.
2.  The World Cup.  One-Nil games are killin' me.
3.  Lady Gaga.  Who is this person?
4.  Rush Limbaugh.  Just so you Lefties know that I turn him off too.
5.  Katie Couric.  Like it matters that she goes to 2 above.
6.  The Gulf oil spill.  And who's screwed up. Just stop the thing!
7.  The late Senator Robert Byrd.  I mean the guy was in the Klan for cryin' out loud!
8.  Tiger Woods.  Mistresses.  Divorce. Mediocre golf game.  Who cares?
9.  Blogo and The Govinator.  Two losers.  Politicians or sitcom extras?
10.The Jobs Report.  Hey, we've got 9.5% unemployment!  Tell me something I didn't know!

So I hope everyone gets out there and has a good weekend.  Even if it's paintin' and cleanin' (and making do with no hot water) like LtPC.


1 comment:

1 said...

#3 is awesome. i'm still laughing about it.