Thursday, March 04, 2010


I have documented here several times in the past my problems with lost keys and glasses.  The latest episode adds bank deposit paperwork to the list.

The story is longer and much more boring than I will now relate here.  In short, I took to the bank on Tuesday a deposit of several checks from separate days which meant that there were multiple deposit slips.  When I returned with the receipts, there was one missing.  We could tell because we always make photo copies of each deposit.  We called the bank to see if they had mistakenly clipped two sets of checks together.  No.  I searched the Taurus.  I retraced my trip. I triple checked my car. We called the bank again.  We repeated the above.  No to all.

I waited a couple of days to see if the deposit just "turned up" in the office or somewhere.  I gave up.  I resigned to call my affected clients and tell them that I had lost their checks.  Bummer.

When I got into the Buick last night to go to Geneva, I mistakenly opened the top portion of the center console when I reached to open the primary console box, and "Waalaah!", the lost deposit.  I had apparently taken the deposit with the intent of making it a week before, hadn't made it to the bank, and must have stowed it for another day.  No recollection of that action at all. Beyond Sometimers.

Anybody catch the video of the Baylor women's basketball player punching out an opposing player last night?  Pretty serious stuff.  And the perpetrator is the most publicized women's player of the year, the 6'8" freshman who dunks routinely.  If it had been a man, she would definitely be out for the season, and maybe longer.  Instead, this gal gets a two game suspension.  We may not have heard the last of this though.  The Big XII needs to step up and sit her for the rest of the year.

What I am reading about the end game on Obamacare is scary.  Every indication is that the White House is going to play out a process that stuffs this crap through, regardless of the fiscal or political consequences.  The Republicans may come out of this as the Party of No, but anyone who still believes that the Big O is anything but a Chicago Strawman, has sipped way too much Kool-ade.

My challenge tomorrow is to get my pal Cal to1630 spin class. 50-50 at best.  But I know that he wants to get there, so it's a matter of whether his cases go OK.  BTW, after last week's experience, I'm waiting until after class to hit the wine bar this week.

Fun to see baseball highlights on SportsCenter.  Is it Spring yet?

14 days to FFF March Madness DM 2010.  Somebody needs to come up with a slogan for our T-shirts.


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