Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Well, we are still alive and kicking in Turin. Finally starting to figure out the lay of the land. Does sense of direction require a European "reset" button when you're across the pond?

I did get on a bike today, although by an extemely circuitous route that I will not bore you with now. It's an older bike and a little heavier than what I wanted, but as the saying goes, beggars can't be choosers. My first ride was an urban one though the major parts of downtown Turin. They have a bike path along the Po River, similar to our's along the Mississippi. But it has fallen in a bit of disrepair and it is not a smooth ride. I also managed to "groove" my front tire in trolley car tracks. Twice! No serious injury except pride. Silly Americans!

We're headed to the mountains tomorrow to scout the route of the big ride on Thursday. Briancon, France, here we come.

2 gets credit for getting these pics up. I'm clueless.

BTW, 2 and I are still on speaking terms. Most of the time.




Anonymous said...

We are in Naperville which does not seem to measure up to your trip. Not many wine bars..

Tahoe Phil/Jan

4 said...

Look for Prince cookies, por fa!

1 said...

one of my memories from my europe trip in college is when we were walking as a group in germany and as some locals were walking by i heard one of them say 'oh, americans!' in sort of an endearing way. i think we must have just done something silly-like you getting your tire stuck in the trolly rut!
3 was able to tear herself away from meetings early yesterday and we got to bond for a couple hours before her flight took off. it was good.
i'm feeling lots of baby kicks in the past week, which is really cool. hopefully by the time 2 and mom come for the marathon they'll be able to feel them too. you can see my stomach move sometimes, but 1.1 hasn't felt anything yet. this seems odd to me because i think they feel so strong!
good luck on the mountain ride tomorrow and thanks 2 for the pics!