Monday, September 07, 2009


Here's 2 with her future new best friend. This was taken yesterday and she called the seller to put in a reservation this evening. Possession for the 27th or thereabouts (upon our return from Italia).

Let the naming begin. All of my suggestions were rejected as too stripper-like.

The Tour of Missouri started in StL today with a circuit race (10 times around a 7.5 mile track). The same guy who won several stages in the TdF this Summer won today. They gradually move across the state this week and finishes next Sunday with another circuit race in Kansas City. It could be interesting to go watch someday. Just not this year.

Then again, if the sponsor situation doesn't improve, the future of the race comes into question. The state had to step up this year, and my guess is that the legislators may not be able to meet the call again next year. The Georgia race ran into the same problems after some fairly successful years, and is now no more. There's just not a way to adequately produce income from an "Open to the Public" event. And the banks, insurance companies, investment firms, and auto companies are just not standing in line to write checks.

Golf with my pals today was a hoot. Great weather. Little traffic. I broke a hundred! Next time, ninety.

Off to bed to get ready for a busy week. Lots to do before departure.

Have a great week.


1 comment:

camperkev said...

just a few possibilities for the new puppy (inspired by events leading to purchase):
1. lockpick
2. hamburglar
3. swiper (all you Dora fans know what I'm talking about)
4. hacker
5. deadbolt (or bolt for short)
6. 24601 (les miserables reference)
7. Javert (the yang to the above reference)
8. sneaker
9. or you could be like John Wayne and just call him /her, dog.