Tuesday, September 02, 2008


Does this feel like Monday or what?

Somehow I just never got back to the computer this weekend. It wasn't that I was overly busy. Inspiration was temporarily absent. I did get another good 20+ miler in on Sunday, and my pale Bill's daughter Molli got married in a nice deal on Sunday evening. But Monday was very laid back. Assembling my new grill (and using it twice!) was the highlight of my accomplishments.

I'm headed over to IC tonight for an early dinner with 4. Pizza at The Airliner. I'm shooting for elevating the average age in the place this evening.

The media feeding frenzy on Sarah Palin continues. Support/ridicule in the blogsphere/media seems to fall predictably along party lines. Life in the spot light will eventually reveal every blemish. She's the prey in a very public game of "Gotcha".

I also stopped out at the McCausland classic car show yesterday. They must have had 300-400 cars lined up throughout town. But no Margret look-alike. I would have stayed past one beer and a quick walk-through, but the 90+ temperature chased me home in short order.

I'll add more to this later after my visit with 4.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I got nothing off the grill.