Sunday, September 28, 2008


Today is the running of the QC Marathon. The image is a little vague, but it was all I could get off the site. 2 and I went down to Bettendorf to catch the runners as they came in from Illinois this morning, most specifically to see her friend from the museum. And I saw several of my buds as well. It was a much better day for running than last year when 1.1 and 2 did the half and 1 bullied her way in the heat for the full.

This is not an official Sunday as we did a pass-through at SB's before the race, but didn't even sit down. And I'm doing this entry from home. No NYT to get my dosage from the Left. but I briefly had the tube on NBC, so its not like I was totally without.

Here's a little recognition for Paul Newman, the actor who passed away Friday at age 83. He lived a full life and seemed to have a pretty good handle on who he was, and wasn't. He didn't stop at acting. Racing. Foodstuff. Philanthropy. (The fact that he was an off-the-far-edge liberal is no longer relevant. He called his making Nixon's "Enemies List" as one of his greatest accomplishments.)

These posters represent four of his more memorable roles. Not being much of a movie-goer in recent decades, I think it would be fair to say that he, along with Clint Eastwood and John Wayne, would be on the short list of my all-time favorite actors. (Maybe Redford too, but his politics get in the way. Three Days of the Condor is a big offset to the positive.)
I think that the phrase coming out of Cool Hand Luke, "What we have here is a failure to communicate", is one of the Top Ten phrases in our culture in the last , say, 50 years.

(The change in fonts is an accident. And I have tried to correct the difference from normal, but my techno-skills have maxed out at just getting the entry entered. Maybe tomorrow. Getting those pics lined up in a sort of order was no small fete.)

2 and 3 have been enjoying the home-ownership and living on your own benefits. Painting. Clogged bathroom issues. Never a dull moment.

Big win for ND yesterday. Either Purdue was/is really not that good, or the Irish may have something. Saw my pal Pete at the race this morning, and he said that it had been a great game to be at. There were a lot of underdog wins in college football yesterday. Mostly grumbling out of IC for their loss to Northwestern.

I did order a new pair of Saucony's on Friday. The store only had brite-white in stock so I had them order a less-flashy (silver/gray) model of the same shoe. I looked for the shoe at Dick's, but they carried only a couple of lower-priced Saucony running shoes. I'm sure that its a numbers game and it just doesn't pay for them to keep a full line of all brands in inventory. And most of the on-line retailers had my shoe in the high $80's to low $90's, so giving a hundo to Running Wild is OK.

Not much to comment on on the financial mess. The rescue/bailout is now sorting through the political responsibilities. I have put down hard cash with a client that the Big O will win in November. I am convinced that a majority of the 10-15% of Undecideds will ultimately conclude that the Republicans have had their chance, and that The Other Guys should now get theirs.

Hope everyone has a great day.


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