Sunday, June 08, 2008


So this is a simple rendition of the ride from yesterday. My pal Pete and I did the portion from Bettendorf to Galena, a trek of just over 85 miles. The full ride goes onto Dubuque, overnights there, and then comes back to Bettendorf today. I figured out several years ago that 85 miles was plenty for the weekend.

We left Bettendorf around 6:15AM, and arrived in Galena a little after 2PM. The good things included a nice tailwind for most of the ride, well-stocked sag stations staffed by the ride organizers, and no rain. The other side of the ledger included heat, humidity, and hills. When the route you are directed on points with an arrow to "Ski Resort", you can pretty well figure that the flat part of the ride is over.

This is an annual ride that usually attracts around 1400-1500 riders from several states. Unlike RAGBRAI, you don't see a lot of casual riders looking for a party. It's just too hard. While there are plenty of higher level Greeks with skills, most of the riders are Boomers who understand the challenge and just want another chance to confirm that they still have it.

That same southery tailwind from yesterday that helped push us along is hanging in there today, but with the riders heading home it will be a headwind. The last time that I did both days, I remember that headwind, and the rain, and the misery. That was the year that I figured out that the "old f**ts" who had done the Saturday-only Bettendorf-Galena route were actually the sages of the peleton. And I became one of them.

2 does get another nod for Daughter of the Day for her effort to meet us in Galena and bring us home. With little specific directions from me, she found her destination and we connected as planned at the designated saloon. Good job, Kiddo. Thanks. See you next year. Same place.

2 and I met for dinner at Biaggi's after we got back home. A quiet meal at the bar as we had not called in for reservations. A note of interest at the restaurant was a wedding gathering in the primary party room behind the general dining area. I learned that some brides actually switch wedding dresses mid-event. 2 said that this was a new development traced to TV Bride-zilla shows. I am amazed at how far out of the loop I am with these kind of things.

Tough day for Big Brown at the Belmont Stakes yesterday. There is a lesson to be learned here that has direct application to the investment market place: if something is promoted as a can't miss opportunity, either run (as in, "don't walk") the other way, or sell it short.

Speaking of the stock market, Friday was one of those days where the only direction was down. Except in the oil pits, where the only direction was up. There is no question that $5 gas will be here soon. How far up does it have to go before habits are fundamentally changed? Saving money on gas has become acceptable further up the social ladder. Even the rich notice the price at some point. Supply and demand have a way of kicking in. Will China and India notice?

No big plans for today. A little recovery. Maybe a trip to the driving range. My pal Roy and I have that golf tournament this week and I don't want to embarrass myself.

More later. Have a great day.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

very good entry, dad.