Thursday, September 15, 2011


Good luck to all the travelers tomorrow. 

Just for yucks, I want to make a list of things that I like.  The idea kind of came to me from the soliloquy that Kevin Costner's character Crash Davis (in Bull Durham) gave to Susan Sarandon's character when she asked him what he believed in.  Crash went into a minute-long rant (a bit randier than I remembered) that hit quite a range of stuff.  Listen to it here.

Anyway, here's a start on my "like's" (certainly not in any order of importance):

1.  A "good" feeling ballpoint pen.  Black ink that doesn't glob.
2.  A quick shower before bedtime to rinse off the day's grime.
3.  October.
4.  The National League (MLB).
5.  Wrigleyville.  KC Plaza.  Scottsdale.  Incline Village.
6.  George Strait.  Patty Loveless.  Trisha Yearwood.  Garth.
7.  Private air travel.  Duh!
8.  The Grotto at ND.  Sorry Lourdes!
9.  Chicago-style 'dogs.  Golick's brats.
10. Drafting my pal Pete.
11. My new Oakley's.  Shoulda jumped earlier.
12. Twitter.  It has it's faults, but it works for me.
13. Nicely edged sidewalks.
14. 2nd coffee.  Duh!  Again.
15. Iowa.  Winter and all.
16. The U S of A! No stress to wear that lapel flag, Brain-dead!
17. Wi-Fi.  Smart phones.  Mobile computing.
18. Hand-written notes to/from fam and friends.
19. Entertaining fam and friends on my driveway.
20. John Wayne cowboy movies.  Clint.  007.

Well, that's just a start.  It's not a Glad Game or anything.  More to come soon.

Enjoy TGIF.


1 comment:

1 said...

-sitting in the sun reading a book
-the first sip of hot coffee, and the first drink of an ice cold beer
-the smell of breakfast in the morning
-bed sheets that are just the right temp
-having my hair washed at the salon
-a foot rub & pedicure
-mama's pizza

good exercise for this morning! i might have my students do it :)