Monday, November 08, 2010


FLASH:  New Post on The Horanies!!!

Indian Summer here.  (Is that a non-Politically Correct statement?)  Mid 60's.  Sunny.  Light breeze.  Too bad there's that little thing call "work" to mess things up.

My adaptation to the end of Daylight Savings Time is much less inconvenient than the start of it in the Spring.  As an early-riser anyway, getting just a little earlier start is not a bad thing.  I have changed my clocks this time.  Even my bedside one that often goes through these things an hour off some years.  The Ironman is the only one that ever gives me a problem.  I mean, who wants to read directions anyway?

Congrats to the 'Clones for losing admirably.  Lucky you, to the Hawks for, well, being lucky.

3 had some Twitter entries yesterday suggesting that she and Herky were watching the NYC Marathon in Central Park.  That marathon is another one of the "mega-Marathons with 40K+ runners.  Like Chicago.   There has to be some profit in that kind of participation rate.  Sure, they get a primary sponsor, and numerous subsidiary sponsors, but with entry fees in the $100-200 range, we're talking about some serious cash.  I wonder who gets paid?

In follow-up to my comments earlier about night running, I did spring for a new, light-weight running shell/jacket for the time-change, after-dark workouts.  Bright orange with reflective striping.  And a small pulsating light that you can clip on to the collar (or wherever).  The light recharges by way a universal connector to any USB port on a computer.  Suite.  First usage will be tonight with The Winniferous on the Monday Night Run.

Anyone care to opine on the difference between DayGlo Orange and Competition Orange?  I was filling up at a pump recently and a gal in the next lane had a sharp, what I would call "Canary Yellow" Monte Carlo.  When I asked if if was Dayglo Yellow, she responded, "No.  It's competition yellow."  Hmmmm. 

Maybe more later after my run.

Decided that we needed to start the week out with some recognition to our nation's warriers.  Here's to some USAF boys (maybe girls?) ridin' high.



camperkev said...

either way, she as driving a banana.

camperkev said...

that should have been, "...she was driving a banana."

Kristen Charles said...

I bet Veteran's Day is one of Ricky Stanzi's favorite holidays on account of how patriotic he is. You make us all proud, Lt.! Happy Veterans Day!