Monday, November 22, 2010


Most Baby Boomers with a pulse will remember this day from their youth.  Dealey Plaza.  Dallas, Texas.

In my case, high school biology class.  Sophomore year.

Over the years, my pal Pete has brought into left-handed humor, references to the Zapruder film, the Grassy Knoll, and a "second shooter".  Most recently, Pete offered that the ulnar ligament-tearing bike accident that I had in DeWitt three years ago while trying to carry the Sunday paper under my left arm from the grocery store to The Sunrise Cafe was the result of a second shooter.

Just trying to find a suitable picture for this entry found endless hits on conspiracy theories for the Kennedy assasination.  And I wasn't even looking for the controversy that surrounded the event.  Given the doubt raised in that Seinfeld episode on the Kieth Henandez spitting incident, the single shooter theory is hard to believe.  Just what /who was on that grassy knoll?

2 and I are headed over to Augie tonight for their home b-ball opener against Washington U of St. Louis.  I'm going for the game.  My guess is that 2 is going for the hot dogs and popcorn.  Neither is a bad choice.

The Winniferous and I will do my last training run for the Trot in a little while.  The weather has been Al Gore-like here today.  60+.  But the tide is turning and temps at go-time on Thursday will be in the low 20's.

Hard to believe, I know, but I somehow missed watching the music awards show last night.  My spin instructors talk about their play lists, and I don't recognize the names of anyone they mention.  Few of the songs played have understandable lyrics.  Most are just loud and screeching or woofing.  I truly am old.

On that note, those of you who seem to universally hate Monday, give a loud cheer!  It's over!  The gathering of the clan is just a few hours away.  I dare you all to play The Glad Game in the meantime.


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