Wednesday, May 27, 2009


4 made it official today and signed her employment contract as a news producer with the TV station in Lincoln, Nebraska. She starts July 6th. Lots to do between now and then to get ready for Real Life 101. The fam is proud of you, Kiddo!

My Sometimer's surfaced tonight when I headed home to do a quick mowing of my yard before dark. I stopped and picked up some of the big yard-waste bags and the associated pick-up stickers. Since garbage day is tomorrow and having figured that catching the clippings from a slightly damp lawn made good sense, my plan was coming together. I got home, changed to work clothes, and opened the garage to get started. One problem: no mower. I had taken it in for a tune-up Saturday morning. And forgot to pick it up.

Turns out that it's a good night for blogging.

I've had a few texts from my Pal Roy's IPhone. He's staying at a freak'n Five Star Fairmont at the foot of Mt. Kenya!! With a golf course!!! I think that using the term "safari" may be a bit misleading.

Here's a little philosophical exercise for all (ten) of my readers; list your Top 25 Days in your lifetime. The idea originated last week when 4 graduated from from Iowa. For me, that was definitely a Top 25 Day. They don't necessarily have to be happy days to make the grade. Others on my list would include:

1. ND graduation, May 1971. I still remember sharing it with Mother and Daddy.
2. Iowa High School b-ball quarterfinals, March 1967. DM's Vets Auditorium. A huge victory.
3. 1 and 1.1's wedding, July 2007. TC. Has there ever been a better party?
4. ACL surgery, April 1989. End of my b-ball career. Hello bike!
5. The move from C-town to Davenport, August 1980. A clean slate.

It's a good exercise, and requires each person to define their own criteria.

Have a great day.



Anonymous said...

Martha said:

Congrats to Kristen!!
One thing she'll need to do before the move to Lincoln is to update her wardrobe black and gold in Big Red country.

Anonymous said...

We have Dawson relatives in Lincoln

Tahoe Phil