Sunday, May 10, 2009


This image is Mom's choice for her recognition on Mother's Day, as Mother of the Day. She and 2 made some priceless purchases, including this one, at the Beaux Arts Fair yesterday.

I'm not sure if the three of us being in the same location constitutes FFF, but it was the closest thing to it for today.

Margret was the transportation method for the day.

Looking forward to The Gathering of the Clan this week. I've enjoyed telling friends and acquaintances that the last of my four daughters will be graduating from college this month. My long-practiced mental gymnastics of four girls times four years of college each is rapidly coming to a conclusion. Thank goodness.

(Three more weddings is a different order of math.)

Hope everyone has a great week.



camperkev said...

Like the new photo!

4 said...

Can I please go to Tahoe this summer?

1 said...

want to come with us?

camperkev said...

1, when are you going to be in Tahoe??

4 said...

YES! Graduation gift, anyone???

I won't even complain about waking up early to go lay on the beach.

1 said...

it's just something we're throwing around....maybe we'll discuss further at FFF this weekend and i'll have something a little more firm to report back. besides the short st. louis weekend in june and my boston weekend we don't have much on the books, and were looking for somewhere else to go. how can you not want to go to tahoe? southwest is now flying out of mps so fares are a little better and there's a new non-stop to reno....definitely vaca potential!

camperkev said...

keep us in the loop if you do decide to come out, so we can check our calendars to try and coordinate crossing paths up there.