Monday, January 05, 2009


Day Two of the spin class experiment. Yesterday's turn-away crowd for the 10AM class became a cozy group of seven this morning for the 0545 Quick Spin. I hate to crank up the exercise routine at that hour. But I'm guessing that I'll be there at least twice a week for The Early Show through mid-April.

My effort to get to class on time was another example of why old people don't change their routines. My phone alarm went off fine at 0523. I was actually up a few minutes early and waited for the ringer. After throwing on my biking gear and jacket, I couldn't find my Gold's pass. I looked over my kitchen counters, and my jacket pockets. No luck. I gave up, figuring that I'd just give them my name.

I jump in the car and take off. Half way there, I remember that I forgot my biking shoes, so I have to make a u-ee and go back for them. My original thin time line is coming apart. And I have to wait for traffic a couple of times, both ways. At five-thirty in the freaking morning!

And the parking lot is packed. I'm thinking that those New Year's resolutions are really kicking in. But the spin class room is almost vacant (as expected), and I still haven't figured out where all the people were at that hour. Anyway, I get there and throw off my sweats, and jump on a bike just as the leader is cranking it up. No warm-up for PC.

The first thing I realized in the first routine was that I left my water bottle in my car. And as hard as the class is, I needed the water bottle. But not today.

To review, in the course of a single effort to get to one class, I lost my gym pass, forgot my shoes, and forgot my water bottle. A well-oiled machine doesn't exactly capture my schtick today.

One consolation later in the day was that I found my gym pass. I had had an Alzheimer's moment and had forgotten which jacket I wore to Gold's on Sunday. The pass was in the pocket I had placed it in yesterday.

Other than spin class, my Monday was pretty ordinary. I did learn that the private airfield in Scottsdale doesn't have a rental car counter open after 6PM local (in my price range). One of the hardships of flying private. The hotel shuttle it is.

Glad to see Revkev back online.

Have a great evening.



camperkev said...

Isn't one supposed to travel with an entourage when flying private? Are we talking lear jet or 2 seater prop plane?

Anonymous said...

are you implying he will NOT be with an entourage? i don't know what else to call a group of 60-year old white men....

camperkev said...
