Tuesday, February 06, 2007


A little excitement here today with a quick dump of 4-5 inches of snow. I think these last few days qualify as official Winter days.

Here's yet another example of me getting just plain old. My normal winter attire these last few years has been jeans with a sweater over a polo shirt. It's not like I have had an inventory of 30 sweaters, but I have had enough so that it wasn't like I was repeating myself every few days. And I've always had plenty of polo shirts. Even so, I guess one could say that I have set a pretty low standard. With this most recent cold spell, I've taken to wearing a t-shirt under the polo shirt under the sweater. I remember Daddy wearing layers of shirts on the farm. I guess this is more of me becoming him. And I don't worry about how it looks. I mean, it's been cold out there!

In case anybody is worried, I am not dating any astronauts.

Davenport had a water main fail yesterday that affected a wide area including downtown. Lots of inconveniences for residences and businesses. A sidebar story described the problems of frozen water pipes in homes. That certainly brought back memories. We had to take extraordinary measures on the farm with electric heaters to keep the little pump house and the milk house warm enough to keep water flowing to support the Grade A milking operation. I doubt if OSHA would have approved of our system. It's a wonder that we didn't burn the barn down.

It is also my recollection that we had at least one bout of frozen pipes at our Scott Street home in Davenport in the '80's. The brilliant builder of that home had placed one of the pipes to the upstairs bathroom along the front exterior wall. Not that great of a move. But the pipe did not burst and there were no fatal (read expensive) results. That was a cold house. Period.

For the Language Arts students in the crowd, here's a couple of advanced vocabulary words from a national Op-Ed column from today or yesterday discussing the descent to civil war in Iraq. Pogrom is a noun of Russian origin describing an organized persecution and massacre of a minority group. Atavism is a noun of French origin used to describe a reversion to remote ancestral characteristics. I feel like I have a pretty good vocabulary. I had a clue about pogrom. Atavism was completely new to me. Are these writers that good? Or do they have some kind of an automated thesaurus in their computer?

OK. Rivalry Week and Super Tuesday all in one. I'm headed to the bike.

Pretty quiet in the peanut gallery.

Be careful out there.


Anonymous said...

I can't believe it is only Tuesday. This week is going to be so long. Every once in a while I start to feel overwhelmed with everything I have to do. I was not very productive last weekend with Sarah in town, so this weekend, I need to catch up on a lot of grading. Basketball will be over in one week, and I am totally ready. We lost tonight to a team we beat by 50 when we played last. It was miserable, and embarassing. Our #1 player was at home puking but that is no excuse. They couldn't do anything right and there was nothing I could say that would make them catch the ball, box out, and not throw the ball to someone in a green jersey. (Our colors are black and red.) It is freaking cold here and I get to walk to dog around the block at 5am. Life could be a little better.
I am going to bed now because I have to workout at 5am because that is the only time when I actually have time. We are meeting with the msgr. tomorrow night and hopefully he doesn't say he won't marry us because we cohabitate. Everyone say a prayer.

Anonymous said...

The Figge felt the pain of the burst water main. The boil order was just lifted this morning. Getting to work has been a headache with River Drive closed (the water from the burst has frozen on the street) and the snow on Locust didn't make my drive to work very quick (it took me nearly an hour to get here).

Not much news here. Going to the Auggie game tonight with dad after my run. My legs have been killing me the last two weeks. My shins and hips. I don't know if it is the result of running on the treadmill to often and not outside, or a result of popping my knee backwards too many times. All I know is it hurts and makes me not want to run. Formal training for the 1/2 starts next Monday. I am not excited, and probably won't be until it gets warm enough to run outside.

Tomorrow I'm representing the museum at a YPN non-profit volunteer fair - this afternoon I'm going to work on a display board for it. I sort of feel like I'm working on a science fair project again.