Friday, February 16, 2007

Friday PM

Just a few lines before taking off.

Snow flurries outside right now. Below zero this AM. Winter is getting a little old.

I've been wearing my high-top Field & Stream insulated boots for each of the last 35-40 days. I bet I didn't wear them more than three days in a row all last Winter. What does that say about this year's weather? And each day about 4PM I'm ready to take them off for a rest. I feel like I've been doing leg lifts all day!

Just had a little excitement here with Firefox, which I think was unrelated to Blogger. I had gone to another site to get some data and Firefox didn't like my print instructions at that location. It shut all my Internet connections down and I lost those first two paragraphs above. They didn't even go to the "draft" area. I can say that Blogger has been pretty good from a user's perspective.

SI swimsuit issue is out. As though anyone might have been able to escape the full-court press that SI does to promote the issue. It was much better years ago when there was less of the issue and more clothes on the models.

The Thursday NY Times crossword had one of their patented trick puzzles yesterday. In four of the squares, you had to figure out that they wanted the symbols for, period, colon, comma and dash. By using the symbol, but by saying the word, you completed the solution to both the across and down clues for those spaces. A non-puzzler had no chance.

Spell check just informed me that Internet required a capital "I". Didn't know that.

Have a great evening.

Be careful out there.

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