Thursday, June 22, 2006

Thursday AM

I have no reasonable excuse for not allocating my time to get to the blog. To some extent, its been a matter of having commitments at 5PM most weekdays over the last couple of weeks. That has historically been my primary writing time for 4000 Days. Last Saturday I just never got into the office, and Sunday was Father's Day. As I have mentioned many times, 4000 Days is my portal to keep in close contact with the girls. When I am with them, the edge comes off my need to communicate on the blog.

That said, I will do better.

I really enjoyed Charlie's comment. There are some difficult times ahead for Melanie and Calhoun.

Mary's stay in Chicago seems to be very positive. She's working a lot, but its a great experience for her. She does deserve a little pick-me-up when she gets in at oh-dark-hundred.

More later. Everyone be careful out there!

More later

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

kristen's extensive comment on dad's blog excuses her from not writing on her own. you both need to keep us entertained more consistently. i get sad checking them and not having anything to read.