Wednesday, March 22, 2006


Not much to add tonight. Tired.

Was caught in a waiting room at a client's briefly today and picked up the closest magazine which happened to be a Women's Something and just leafed through a few pages. I read one relatively brief 2 page story written by a man about the reality of male conversations in a locker room. His premise was that naked men in a locker room can converse about a wide range of topics from sports, to politics, to general life things in a way that women generally do not. I don't think he was on to anything new. I've said for a long time that the Mars and Venus thing is real, so get used to it.

The thought that occurred to me was that here was a guy writing for a national publ;ication, and I assume getting paid for it, about a topic that was only unique in the angle from which he chose to deliver the thought. Yet another example of how my writing interest has spent a lifetime on the shelf while others with no more talent have made their way to some level of publishing success. I think the same thing everytime I read the Wednesday human interest column in USA Today. My Starbucks group has at least as much material.

Then you have the mental giants writing and broadcasting about the NCAA tournament. Actually, those cretins are only worried about generating enough passion in their audience to augment their ratings. What they say or write has no other purpose. Billy Packer has a long line of peabrains behind him. Notice, that I put him at the front of the line.

My buddy Pete says the Alford is staying at Iowa. His son on the team there has been told as much. That means one of two things. Indiana doesn't want him. Or it is too expensive for him to leave. There's a $300K longevity clause that kicks in in June. If the Indiana information is wrong, and they do call, he's gone.

All for tonight. Be careful out there.

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