Tuesday, January 28, 2014


I'm not sure which of today's most-hyped events I have less interest in: 1) Super Bowl Media Day, or 2) The POTUS's State of the Union address.  Both are much-ado-about-nothing.  There's probably more cleavage at SB Media Day, so I'm going with Option One.

The NFL has stepped out on to the thin ice (pun intended) and is hosting the game for the first time in a cold-weather climate.  Unless they end up with a blizzard, I'm guessing that the post-script will be that the event can be held successfully anywhere.  The big money has to be from the TV and associated fees which doesn't require sunny and 75 as game conditions.  They probably got more money from NYC to bring the game to The Big Apple than what New Orleans or Miami might have paid.  And as TV watchers, what does the weather matter?

The SB commercials tend to be hyped as much as the game.  At this point in the saturation-advertising curve, does a good commercial actually generate new business?

2 and I are headed to Harvest Path this weekend, so we'll probably miss the pre-game and first half as we return to the QCA Sunday afternoon.

Our Hy Vee store at Devils Glen has added a seating area next to the Starbucks counter.  High-top tables and chairs that are different from the dining hall quality stuff in their standard dining room.  (Not my pic here.  Just an example.) Curious.  I know you have your different groups, predominately retirees, who hang out at Hy Vee.  I missed the memo that said that the Hy Vee Starbuck's coffee drinkers needed their own area.  I give it 6-9 months.

This Hy Vee location did respond to customer complaints and moved a milk case to the front of the store.  On their original design, all of the milk was at the rear of the store so as to get customers to walk through the aisles to get to it.  Merchandising.  But the feedback was universally negative so they relocated a small case to a more convenient spot for the customer just looking for milk.

This was the week a year ago that I came down with pneumonia.  I remember it too well.

Here's to 3 as Daughter of the Day.  No special reason.  But I love this pic.  She and 3.1 can give us a play-by-play of the inconveniences, if any, encountered because of the Super Bowl being held in their back yard.

Looks like my second Winter trip to Scottsdale at the end of February has been derailed.  Alas, I need to go to Florida instead to fill out a second foursome for a group of guys already scheduled to go there from Geneva.  Hard times.

All for today.  Make it a good one in your neighborhood.



Mary Margaret said...

Suite!! Thanks for the recognition!

I think 3.1 might be in attendance at the Superbowl. Hopefully he remembers his long johns - does not hold much appeal for me! you can't even see the commercials in the stadium can you??

Everyone here is whining about the restrictions on tailgating. And there is naturally much ado about the transportation logistics, which prohibit drop-offs and walking, forcing all attendees to take sanctioned trains/buses. The logic is there, but in practice, I anticipate a lot of grumbling in the aftermath...

1 said...

I meant to comment on the Sunday entry- I, for one, was not surprised that EJ got the girl in the end. Or did the girl get him? I'm still not sure...;)