Thursday, September 13, 2012


We've had a bit of a turn in the weather today.  After some warm days, we are going to be in the 40's most nights.  Great sleeping weather.

Two straight nights on the Maplecrest driveway this week with my pals Jake and Pete.  (It was dark out when I took this on my iPhone last night.)  At least last night we ordered in some food.  Great to see Jake's Pants, but a full time guest in my one-man house for two full days (and nights!) reminded me of why I live alone. 

Speaking of iPhones, they announced the latest version this week.  I'm sure that it can do one's laundry, and probably mix a martini.  The somewhat bad news?  The charger has a different connection profile...meaning that all those handy, interchangeable charging cords/seats/stations that work on the phones, pads and pods won't work on the upgraded device.  Ka-ching, ka-ching.

Good luck to 3 and 3.1 on their road trip to Iowa this weekend.  I'll try to post a pic tomorrow after their arrival at MLI.  They have a tight schedule to meet 3.1's presentation in IC.

Sounds like Harvard Univedrsity may have an academic cheating scandal that has wrapped in the point guard from their NCAA-qualifying basketball team.  Even the hoighty-toighty Crimson can't find athletes who can stay out of trouble.  I have never been a believer in Tommy Amaker.

Then you have a real back-page thing going on at North Carolina with Tyler Hansbrough's mother.  I followed a string on-line today and the deal is kinda juicy.  She's a former Miss Missouri.  Divorced from the boys' dad.  Hired as a fund-raiser by UNC.  She gets socially involved with the school's head fund-raiser.  And they start going on trips together on the school's dime.  To towns suspiciously close to ND away games (where son Ben played).  Somebody started asking questions.  And now they're in the gossip pages.

Hope y'all have a Good Friday.


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