Saturday, September 08, 2012


So I'm doing this entry while watching the Iowa - Iowa State game.  1.01 and 1.02 are down for naps, so there's a little peace and quiet on Harvest Path.

My cell phone experience on the golf course yesterday was both a huge bummer, and then a giant relief.  I had placed it in our cart in the open shelf in front of my seat on the passenger-side.  This is where I always put my phone, sun glasses case, mini-digi and keys when I golf.  The protecting lip on this cart may have been a little less-protective than our carts at Geneva.

Anyway, I had taken a couple of pics with the camera phone at the tee on Hole #3 (which had a nice panoramic vew of the area) with the intention of Twittering a photo to my may follwers.  But I had to tee off and then we went searching for those shots and the Tweet wasn't sent.  When I had the chance a couple holes later to send the pic, the phone was gone!  After a frantic search of the cart and our then immediate surroundings, I concluded that it must have fallen off the cart somewhere on Hole #3.

We did a quick survey of the third hole after the discovery of the loss, but we all figured that it was gone.  Finding a phone on a gof course is like finding the proverbial needle in a hay stack.  So we went back to playing golf, and I spent the next three hours kicking myself for being so loose with my goods...and playing really crappy golf as a result.

When we got done, I suggested another look-see at the third hole, and we retraced our action as we originally had played the hole.  Just about the time I had given up, we took the cart around the green one more time, and there was the phone, in the grass along the cart path, on its face and coverd with dust.  No damage.  I thought I had won the lottery!

Low key day to the max on Harvest Path.  1.01 and I did 2nd coffee together this AM while 1 did her 14-mile training run.  (1 is doing the TC Marathon on October 7th.)  After coffee, we also stopped at the library and the neighborhood park.  She was a fine little girl.  I see more such un-parent-accompanied adventures for us in the future.

I did a 3+ mile walk a while ago and stopped at an open house that one of the builders was showing not far from here.  It wasn't so much of a home that they were speciically trying to sell, but rather a model that displayed the way that this builder did their homes, and the kind of things that a buyer could choose for a home to be built on a nearby lot.  Some basic observations on the model:

    1.  The footprint for the garage was bigger than that of my house.
    2.  There was enough room in the master bath to house a family.
    3.  4,000 square feet.  Rooms everywhere
    4.  It wasn't all that conspicuous in the neighborhood.
    5.  For $600K+, you could maybe get into it.  Love the mortgage.

OK.  1.01 and I are headed outside.  More here later.


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