Thursday, September 06, 2012


Just a couple of lines this AM.  This is a travel day for LtPC.  At the office this AM, followed by an early afternoon meeting at a client's, and then off to Woodbury to visit the folks on Harvest Path for the weekend.  Look for Twitter updates today and, hopefully, some posts featuring 1.01 and 1.02 tomorrow and Saturday.  Back to Maplecrest on Sunday.

Speaking of the road, there was a story last week that the Ford Focus may be the biggest selling car in the world through the first half of this year (topping the Toyota Corolla).  That claim appears to be subject to a bit of a dispute between the manufacturers, but there's no question that you see a lot of Focuses (Foci?) on the road.  2 drives one, and the HOOPDRM is parked in @srh4's garage (both being older models).  The current version is a little bigger and sleeker, reflecting Ford's evolution of this previously smaller car to fit a broader niche with consumers.

I saw one at the Shell station across from Hy Vee the other day (prior to reading the sales volume story), and thought to myself that Ford had made quite an effort to spiff-up the car.  I'm not sayin' that I would buy one for myself, but the current product looks pretty nice.

(This is a situation where the manufacturer stuck with the same name as a model evolved over the years.  Not that long ago, the brains in Ford marketing thought that their next generation car in the Taurus' space needed a new name, and they came up with the moniker "Ford Five Hundred".  It tanked, and they put the Taurus name back on it and they rescued the line.)

Blogger's visit-counter is giving me some strange feed-back.  The Tuesday numbers keep going up while the Wednesday-visit-number stays at "4".  Hmmm.  Makes me wonder if the anomaly that I detected earlier this year on the bump from the Ashley Miller pic was just a Blogger page-visit-calculation problem.

Make it a good day.  See you on the road.


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