Sunday, July 29, 2012


Well, that was quite a day for the fam.  I'll add some more during the next few days, but this is just notice that the blog is back "up".

I'm thinking that the wedding-reception MAY make the Top Ten list of best family parties...ever.  Good-bye Herky.  Hello 3.1!

Tahoe continues to amaze visitors with it's beauty.  For flat-lander's, the mountains make such a statement for the power of Mother Nature.  The lake is simply awesome.  Every pic can be a postcard. 

My pal Pete and I are planning to ride the Mt. Rose ascent from Reno in the AM.  I have my reservations about holding him back, but, it should be just a matter of time.  I know that I'm strong enough to get to the top.  I did the short side to the summit on Thursday on Revkev's bike which did not have a "granny" gear for the aged.  The bikes that we will rent tomorrow will definitely have the lower gearing.

I'm not that curious about the Olympic Games now being broadcast on the tube.  The fact that the events are mostly replays from earlier-in-the-day competitions across the pond leave me unimpressed.  If you can get the results on the Internet, why spend the time watching some human fish make waves in the pool?  And with NBC's multi-politically-correct-culturalism permeating every nanosecond of airtime, don't look for much Olympic coverage here.

That ride up Mt. Rose will give me plenty of thinkin' time tomorrow.  Look for more here after  we're done.

Many thanks to everyone who participated in the weekend!



camperkev said...

love the new header pic!

Patrick said...

Now you have no excuse for not knowing who I am. I enjoyed the hell out of meeting you and the family and the friends.