Thursday, July 19, 2012


Yeah, so I didn't get back to the post yesterday.  Sorry about that.  I thought that since we didn't have Fit Club last night that I would have the time to jump back on to the computer after dinner.  But 2 and I did a stop at the mall after work to check out wedding ties, and then I went over to the Palmer Hills golf range by my house to hit balls for the better part of an hour before dark.  (Gotta keep workin' on that handicap!)  Add in a bit of a queezie stomach, and my late evening motivation was in the tank.

The Tour today is spending the last day in the mountains in Southern France.  The last hill is shrouded in fog.  It doesn't look like the Yellow Jersey has any challengers.  Unless he falls off his bike, he'll waltz into Paris this weekend without ever having had to go much into his reserves.  The rest of the peloton needs better drugs.  (Sorry, Lance.)

The British Open is also in play this AM on the four letter network.  John Deere champ Zach Johnson has a nice first round in the books.
The early ride today was one of those when calling in sick might have been the better choice.  That stomach bug yesterday left me a bit of an energy deficit this AM and I was hard-pressed on the hills.  @bcbison is getting stronger and I'm regressing. 

RAGBRAI starts Sunday in Western Iowa.  With this heat, it's gonna be a tough one this year.  If you are camping, those 75 degree nights are about as uncomfortable as it gets.  Plus that slow leak in the air-mattress?  I'm at the point where I'll enjoy that action much more so when it comes out on video.

This also Happy Tax Anniversary day to 1 and 1.1.  Hard to believe that we have been through five years since that great week up in the TC.  I'm thinking that the proximity of their anniversary and 3 and Herky's Big Day next week will give me a remote chance of remembering both of these special days in the future.

I'm not sure how solid of an indicator this might be, but Northpark Mall was all but deserted when 2 and I were there last night.  This economy is rocky.  If its 100 degrees outside, I'd think that the mall would be a popular location.  Glad I'm not a retailer these days.

OK.  No guarantees, we do have Fit Club tonight, but maybe more later.


1 comment:

Mary Margaret said...

I'm getting MARRIED next week!