Tuesday, June 21, 2011


I had planned to do a regular post this evening after my ride, but the best laid plans...

As I was lifting the bike up the steps to my kitchen door, I lost my balance, began to tumble off the steps, threw the bike away towards the driveway, but didn't quite execute a perfect toss.  I caught one of the pedals flush on my right shin with a solid hit.  Ouch!! It immediately popped up with a big hematoma that had me worried.

Fortunately, it happened almost in my kitchen so I was able to apply ice within just a couple of minutes, and the icing and elevation controlled the swelling.  (I had to have 2 run an errand to get more ice and some other things from the store.  She merits props for her service.)  I did wrap the ice in a kitchen towel and then wrapped the towel around the shin with several layers of saran wrap.  Just like they do with pitchers' shoulders after a game, or the basketball players and their knees.  It works.

I've officially designated this type of accident as Rule 23-c of Cycling: you'll eventually trip over your bike due to inattention to your surroundings.  It happens.

Summer solstice.  The only bad part is that the days now start getting shorter.  Don't like that.

This just hit Twitter.  Too cute! 1.01 is a star!!

I'll be on here tomorrow to add some education to the masses.


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