Sunday, January 24, 2010


Another gray day in River City. Rain for most of the last 24 hours. My sump pump has been working overtime. In January? Where does that come from?

Really a good spin class this AM. The New Year's Resolutioners make all but the oh-dark-hundred classes turn-away crowds. You have to call in advance to reserve a bike, and if you aren't there on time, it goes to anyone waiting. I waited until after the Friday evening class to reserve a spot for a Saturday morning class, and it was tough luck, LtPC. Lots of new faces. Which is all OK. I mean 2-3 spin classes a week is plenty.

Here's a new shot of 1.01. 1 reports that the first week has been successful and that 1.01 has already been accepted on a full academic ride to Harvard. There are lots of pics on 1's Walgreen's photo page.

I just got a warning that I have a virus on my machine so I'm going to have to shut down and run the anti-virus program. If it goes well, I'll be back on later.


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