Saturday, April 26, 2008


It was a little windy here today!

My pal Pete and I had scheduled an afternoon ride, but neither of us had much interest in fighting the wind. So the answer was a "tailwind " ride. We drove West for 20 miles or so, parked the van, unloaded the bikes, and rode back to town. It was a great 25-mile ride. The only downer was the second trip out to get the van.

Another enjoyable evening at Biaggi's last night with 2 and her visiting friends. We've had to temporarily switch preferred wines as we have drunk them out of our favorites! And the only thing you read about in the news is a rice shortage!

My plan is for a return to normalcy tomorrow morning with my Sunday entry from SB's. 1 advises me that the NYT subscription is over, so I won't be tempted to use that hour to read rather than write. See you then.


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