Tuesday, September 25, 2007


I've asked 3 to be a guest editor/blog-ist for the next couple of weeks. Others are also welcome to contribute. I'll open an entry most days, but I'll look to others to share their wit and commentary.



Anonymous said...

It's sort of a lot of pressure over here to be entertaining. .I don't have that much entertaining stuff going on in my life. For example: last night I went home around 9. I put away the stuff I unceremoniously dumped in the kitchen upon my untimely return on Saturday. I checked out my favorite work-restricted websites, watched the Hills, and went to bed. James was at work late, and I was too tired to wait up. I never even heard him come in. I'm expecting a similarly stimulating evening tonight. lather, rinse, repeat.

I do try to schedule interesting things on the weekend to make up the monotany of the week. This weekend Jameson and I will be attending a gala fundraiser for something or other, on his company's dime. Apparently they are sponsoring it, so employees can bring a guest free. I had mom mail me some dresses, and I'll be sure and bring some business cards so I can network. I'll probably be particularly sociable, due to the open bar.

Also on my radar is an impending visit from AM. Haha, Not Aunt Martha as the abbreviation is sometimes used for, but actually my partner in crime from the good 'ole days I like to call college. She is in town pretending to want to see me, however she is really rendezousing with her bf who still lives in the I.C. I am excited to see her, however, I am somewhat dreading the forced socialization that will accompany the visit. On the agenda will be a variety of events with several of our mutual friends who live in Chicago. And by mutual friends, I mean people who I have carefully allowed to pleasantly drift out of my life. Perhaps you think I'm foolish to let friends go so easily. To that I say - clearly you do not know enough bankers. I spend enough time at my job, I do not find it neccessary to turn every social engagement into an indepth discussion of how many hours I've worked, contact I've had with senior management, and competitions for who had the fewest hours of sleep that week. Nor do I find it particularly enjoyable to detail how much I paid for my shoes (39.99 at TJ Maxx thank you very much), or what my last credit card bill was. It's still at the point that certain people think these are acceptable topics of conversation. Someday, many will realize that they are increadible bores. Some will not. I know I have my moments, but I at least make a concerted effort to avoid such pitfalls. In any case, the weekend of AM's visit, we will likely be going out to dinner with a group of these people. this is particularly distressing, as I- since I am hosting AM - have fallen into the role of organizing this dinner. Planning a meal with a large number of people is a nightmare regardless of the attendees, and this is certainly no exception. Getting people to the same place at the same time is like herding cats. Every person on the list will be a 'maybe'. People confirm, request to bring guests, and back out ten minutes before. Or, decline, change their mind, and bring their roommate. Which would work out perfectly if that's how it all happened, but it's unpredictable, it's a headache, and I would prefer not to do it at all. And it doesn't matter where we are going, everyone will find some flaw with the game plan. We'll all fight bitterly, but politely (generally- sometimes I'm less than polite) about which restaurant to go to, who has to pay for the cab (let's take the train! I'll just walk), how much each person owes for the dinner bill, etc. etc. I find it remarkable how much fighting goes on about money in these situations considering everyone seems to like to flaunt their income so much. But, martyr that I am, I will go for AM, and I will try to enjoy myself. Or I'll just have a few glasses of Tuscan red and then they can discuss whatever they please. Or, my evil plan will work and I'll convince AM to have a small dinner and we can assemble the masses for drinks later.

So those are my next two weekends. And there is a pretty special 22nd birthday coming up the week after that... Everyone get excited! Free drinks if you come help me celebrate!

I'd apologize for the lack of substance in this entry- but quite frankly I was forced into this. Read at your own risk. But, in the spirit of not becoming one of the bores I scorn above, I'll try to think of a nice controvesial social issue to discuss tomorrow. Like- who should pay for healthcare, or why we should privatize social security. Or maybe who makes the best turkey sandwiches in a five block radius from my office. hmmm..

PS: 1.1 - get any interesting calls last night?

Anonymous said...

You are such a martyr.