Monday, September 10, 2007


I am headed out this afternoon for an evening event in Des Moines, and I have a morning meeting there tomorrow. So my entry here will be brief.

USA Today today had a story about a Mommy blogger who is getting 100k hits or more per day. She's got six kids, and "kids say the darnedest things", or something to that effect. Anyway, it got me thinking about who reads what on the Internet. So here's my uneducated assessment of that point:

1. Girls through age 20 or so read entertainment and gossip stuff.
2. Boys through age 20 or so read about games, sports and porn. Not necessarily in that order.
3. Young 20-Something women read about clothes, gossip, and what's "in".
4. Young 20-Something men read about games, sports, and porn. NNITO.
5. By 30, the women are reading about weddings and kids.
6. By 30, the men are reading less about games and more about sports and porn.
7. 30 - 50 year old women are reading about gossip, houses, vacations, kids, and school stuff. Sales at the on-line stores. This has got to be the biggest target market out there.
8. The 30 - 50 year old man is reading about sports, vacations and trucks or sports cars. And porn.
9. The post - 50 year old women are all over the place.
10. The post -50 year old man stays on point.

There are enthusiasts in every sub-category one can imagine: politics, religion, art, entertainment, ecology. The list goes on. Any voice can be heard if they can reach the audience that wants to hear what it is that they are saying. I am impressed that Mommy blogger gets 100K hits a day, but having sampled her entries, there's nothing on her site that appeals to me. Her readership is engaged because they have kids and husbands and can identify with her daily life. And she has the ability to express her thoughts in a reader-friendly manner.

I don't think men want to be subjected to a daily dose of ants in the pantry and variations of The Vanishing Sock story. Sorry. It's in the DNA. (For comparable reasons, I'm leaving the peloton in Europe, and NASCAR in the pits!)


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