Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Short today. 4 says that she will be adding to her story later. Although, since it is 4PM here, and thus 11PM there, we may be looking at tomorrow.

Big day in the US stock market. Record highs. How high is up?

Another op-ed piece today about how young people need to pursue careers that appeal to them rather than settle for jobs that pay the bills. I think that most parents see two sides to that equation. But if kids can get out of college with no debt, they can at least have some choices. The remarkable successes of our extended family in that regard remain the indelible imprint of Phil and Margaret.

Fred Thompson, the former Law & Order actor, and senator from Tennessee, is set to announce a candidacy for the GOP Presidential nomination. As with Ronald Reagan and "Ahnold the Gubinator", how and when is the public able to distinguish between the characters whom they played, and their inner-selves (or their real reality)? Maybe the public elects the former actors because the public likes the characters portrayed on the screen.

Taking this to another level, don't the politicians seek to establish a public persona that will appeal to the electorate? Think of the most popular Presidents in the last 20 years or so. Reagan captured the populace by presenting himself as a common man, Main Street reachable type of guy. Clinton maintained popularity in spite of impeachment proceedings. Americans like likable guys. Could a constitutional amendment favoring the Gubinator be in our future?

Off to the bike. Have a great evening.

Be careful out there.

1 comment:

Doyle said...

So after reading Craig Wilson today, have you reserved your plot at ND?