Friday, May 04, 2007


Well, I made it through another week. A couple of ups and downs. Kind of like life.

The peanut gallery has been pretty quiet this week too.

I may buy my tomato plants tomorrow. The Old Wives' wisdom is to wait until Mother's Day, but the temperatures have been pretty steady the last week or so. I remember the last Summer that I had that other house in Bettendorf where I took care of Grandma when I tried to put out plants in mid-April. They didn't die, but they didn't grow either. So around Mother's Day I put out another set. And both sets grew like wild fire. I had more tomatoes that year.

My pal Roy stopped by the office this AM and I think we established a new low standard for meeting decorum. A female friend of his who had been at SB's coffee with him, came along to the office. With her miniature rat/dog. And they were joined by a guy (whom I knew previously) who wanted to talk about the possible purchase of one of Roy's businesses. When they came in, I was in the reading room, and I thought I heard a dog barking. Strange, I thought to myself. So I finished my reading business, and came out to a discussion going on about sending the dog in after me!

We eventually made our way down to the conference room. Dog included. And had a half hour meeting about the possible business transaction. The discussion was frequently interrupted by the rat/dog walking on the table between Roy and his friend! I'm not sure what was decided upon from a business standpoint. But my billing rate for that session was at a record high.

Uncle Phil advises me that he is now in a program at LT as a volunteer in the sheriff's department, or the conservation board. To assist with supervision on the lake. He had to do an in-the-water wet/dry suit test today. These retired guys get into some interesting things.

Hope everyone has a good evening. I'll be back for more tomorrow.

Be careful out there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I could see Uncle Phil getting into that. Sort of the community involvement that Grandpa would have been in, had he lived by a lake and not by a farm, right?

We have a strict NO PETS rule at the museum - you know, they might bring in bugs that could damage the art work - or they could get loose and destroy stuff. Maybe you could implement a rule like that, the fleas could get into the computers and destroy the motherboards and then all you documentation would be lost or the classic, you don't want a dog to eat your tax return... :)