Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Wednesday PM

I am headed out for another ride. Not too windy, and pleasant. I may even drag Margret out for a spin.

I have to sit through a three hour securities session in the AM for continuing education. This is a deal that's presented through the old Sylvan Learning Centers, now called Prometric or something to that effect, and is an inter-active deal on the computer. There is no pass/fail grading, but you have to complete the session in the allotted time or they yank your license. Hello? It may be difficult to complete the crossword in such an environment.

Sorry to hear that we'll have no family participants in the half on Sunday. Maybe another time.

One of the loose ends at my house is a small item related to my real estate taxes. Iowa grants a small concession on your bill if you are a veteran. But you have to effectively "certify" that you have an honorable discharge, and of course, this being the government on both sides, there's a specific form that they want. DD-214. I know that I have it. Somewhere. But there are a lot of boxes from my various moves over the years. Maybe an evening project soon. As it is, filing the request now only does something for me beginning a year from now, for taxes payable even later.

So all for today. Have a great evening.

Be careful out there.

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