Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Not much of an entry today. Boarding for Dusseldorf now.

The trip to Chicago was ok, although the counter agent noticed a small difference in my name between the passport and the ticket. I got through Security ok. Must have been my Senior Citizen status.

They took the bike. I wonder how that will work out? Right before I went to bed last night, when I was mentally going through my checklists...again!!!...it occurred to me that I hadn't packed the peddles that I had had the bike shop take off over my lunch hour. I got up, went out to the garage where I had done the bike-packing, and sure enough, the peddles were sitting on one of my small plastic patio tables. Wow!!! That would have been a pleasant surprise come bike-assembly time! (Provided the bike makes it to Italy!)

2 and I are not sitting together on the plane. Her seat was reserved, but mine wasn't. She thinks that there may have been some wine-induced selections the night that I bought the tickets. Hmmm. That's always a possibility.

It's a 7 hour time difference between here and Dusseldorf. Which means its coming on 2300 hours there. If we land at 0800 local, that means we have a 9-hour flight. Suite. It would be nice if I could sleep on a plane.

I did buy some data-time for the iPad while across the pond. With wi-fi in the hotels and coffee shops, I shouldn't need much other time, but I wanted to be able to make some entries as I saw fit. So there should be entries here most days. And that should also cover Twitter. You're never below radar.

OK. Departure is imminent. The next entry will be from the Old Country.

BCOT...we will.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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