Wednesday, March 21, 2012


The new pic won't last.  I snapped it from the driver's seat coming home Sunday.  A little fuzzy.

I really don't have much to add tonight.  But I need to take advantage of my last night before a weekend with The Winniferous.  2 heads North in the AM for three nights.

I did get the mini-digi back from FujiFilm today.  The shutter is operational.  Not sure if it's the same unit as the one I returned.  I'll be giving it a field test over the weekend to confirm functionality.   They use FedEx for delivery.  Between them and me, we gotta have $30+ invested in the transportation of the bugger!

This was the weekend two years ago that we did March Madness in DM.  My calendars downstairs so note.  4's little adventure off the I-80 track just West of DM was a real memory maker.  Hard to believe that at the same time of the year, we now have all the trees in bloom.  Not that I'm complaining.  Love ya', Al.

My pal Pete is having some (hopefully) minor surgery this week to trim off some meniscus in one knee and take out some hardware in the arm that he broke a couple years back.  My bet is that he will be back on the bike by the weekend.  He rode North last weekend and had to fight that same Southerly breeze that killed me in Minnesota.  We should definitely only be doing tailwind rides in this weather.  And pay for the transport home.

Looks like the April 15th party is moving across the river this year and will actually be held on April 20th.  With the 15th falling on a weekend and the filing date being pushed to the 17th, we run into a number of conflicts.  Bass Street promises a private room, "reasonably-priced" wine, and a big welcome.  Why not?

For the record, I have no problem with a photo-ID requirement to vote.  I probably have to show my driver's license a couple of times a week at the bank, medical office or airport, and I don't feel discriminated against.  I don't buy the hardship argument.

Along the same lines, but non-political, I saw a story today where employers are getting more investigative in the application/interview process and are requesting Facebook access from applicants.  Not only are there firms out there that will vet an applicants' Twitter, Facebook and Linked-in traffic, the personnel department itself gets upfront with the prospect.  It's a new world, eh?

Make it a good Thursday.



Anonymous said...

Martha said:

The photo of Mother was from Rosie's wedding in 1966

Anonymous said...

Actually Rosie's wedding was in 1968
