Friday, March 09, 2012


Let's make CJ Grandson of the Day!  Pic from this AM.  He's getting big!

Not really sure what happened to the input last night.  Usually, there is a disconnect from the Internet in the middle of things, but I didn't notice anything at the time.  And Blogger is pretty good about automatically saving what you have written every few minutes.  But, it happens, and it was too late to get back on when I hit the "publish" button and there were only a couple of lines to publish.

The IRS came to visit again yesterday.  The case under audit is a bit complicated and will go on for another month or two.  Stressful.  The agent is from Cedar Rapids and is very systematic in his appproach.  But I don't think that he is evil.  Which is a good thing.

My tooth implant seems to be working.  So far.  I had to leave work a little early on Wednesday as the procedure to place the new tooth on to the implant created a bit of a ripple in the force.  I pulled a vicodin from my private drug stash and was able to sleep.  After a year of a hole in the left side of my mouth for a year, it seems odd to have a full set of uppers!

I'm a bit embarrassed to admit that I went through a few extra loops to save probably not that many dollars on my latest venture to Kohl's.  RevKev, I'm thinking of you!  I had a $10-off coupon for Men's clothing and a 20% Off Everything that over-lapped so I figured that that translated to two new golf shirts.  Well, right before I went into the store, I thought to call @srh4 to confirm her current coupon, which was a 30% Off Everything.  So I did a u-turn and waited until I had her coupon .

Long story short: two new black (is there another color?) dri-fit golf shirts, and six pair of Docker's socks.  And four new wine glasses.  WWI?  All for $55 net.  And a total savings of over a hundo.  I kinda needed the socks.  The other stuff?  Meh.

I've been receiving some random sales calls on my cell phone recently.  The one yesterday came from some guy selling some home Internet security device.  I should have known that it was a bogus call when an odd, out of state number popped up on the screen, and there was a delay in the response when I answered.  I asked him where he got my number, and he said something to the effect of a correspondent service company.  Which meant that they bought a number list.  My response was an immediate "No thanks" and a hang-up.

My Yahoo mail regularly gets some odd receipts as the retailers exchange contact information.  Most of those, I don't even open.  The reason that I will answer the phone is that people can end up with odd area codes for their locations when they keep phone numbers from a previous home or job.  I guess I just need to let those funny ones go to voice mail, which the sales people generally don't use.

Some fff here this evening to celebrate 4's send-off to The Big Apple.  Not sure of the location, but I suspect that there will be a bottle of wine involved.  Or two.

It looks like the QC contingent has completed the re-booking of flights to Tahoe in July.  Still heading out on the 22nd from MLI with a stop in MSP.  But the big change is a stop and a plane change in Salt Lake.  We get into RNO later in the afternoon.  The return trip on August 4th is a similar itinerary.  Really don't have the warm and fuzzies with Delta on this.  Over-Under on there being at least one more schedule change before July?  Uh, the Over is too easy of a bet.

How big was that moon last night...and this morning?

Okay.  Make it a good TGIF. 



2 said...

I'm hoping my complaints to Delta result in some free drink tickets.

Anonymous said...

Fee drink tickets. Bah. I want free luggage checked! SRH