Sunday, January 29, 2012


Pretty nice weekend at this end.  Tomorrow is supposed to be even better with highs in the 40's.  Suite!

2 and I went over to the Augie game last night and, while I knew it wouldn't be much of a game, it was just awful.  We left well before half time when the home team was already up by 40!  Millikin needs to re-look at their commitment.  This is too good of a conference to send up a JV team.

(Small aside.  For the Augie game on Tuesday night, I had gone over by myself after a meeting after 5, and was a little late getting to the gym.  I whipped out a $10 for the cute admission girl, expecting a $5 in return.  She hands me $7 instead.  I look at her funny and ask if they had changed prices.  Her response, "No.  I gave you the senior discount".  Out of the mouths of to speak.)

Hard to believe that the guy who had a six-shot lead for most of the day in the PGA event managed a triple-bogey 8 on the last hole and is now in a play-off.  Goes to show that no lead is ever safe on the tour.  This is the same guy who Steve Stricker beat here in the John Deere tournament last year by making an All-World birdie on the last hole.  Trial by golf will kill you or make you stronger.  (Wow.  He loses in the play-off!  That'll leave a mark.)

I picked up my replacement Oakley sunglasses today.  It was only $25 for the deductible.  Interesting revelation was that the Pearl Vision and Lens Crafter's stores are owned by the same holding company.  In the time after I dropped my broken glasses off  a week or so ago at Pearl Vision, they closed that store.  My call for the pick-up came from Lens Crafter's.  No problems for my situation.  And the bonus is that the eye doc in the Pearl Vision store has relocated to the Iowa Target store which is much more convenient for me.
One of the factoids that made it's way to my consciousness recently was the realization that 2012 is my 30th year with my own professional services practice.  (My CPA career actually began in 1976 in Chicago, but it was 1982 that I got the brilliant idea that I wanted to run my own business.)  Obviously, the actual anniversary date is later in the year, but I have decided to make a little to-do about the milestone over the course of the year with my clients and business associates.  The exact type and content of the to-do is yet to be decided.

Lots of water has run under the bridge since that fateful decision to go out on my own in 1982.  1 would have been 1.01's age, and 2 was a babe like 1.02.  3 and 4 were still in the planning stages.  In the world in 1982, we had the following:

1.  Cal Ripken started his consecutive games played streak.
2.  The movies E.T., Raiders of the Lost Ark, and Chariots of Fire were released.
3.  Madonna has her debut single.
4.  Cats opens on Broadway.
5.  Michael Jackson releases Thriller.
6.  EPCOT Center opened at Disney World.
7.  The Commodor 64 computer was introduced.
8.  Time Magazine named The Computer as Machine of the Year.
9.  Cheers debuts on television.
10. The Viet Nam Veterans Memorial is dedicated in DC.

I think that I will plan to do at least one blog entry per month during the course of this year to share some of the history that went on during this 30 year journey.  Some of the decisions that were made, or the directions not taken might be of some interest to the Peanut Gallery.

I'm giving 3 and 4 recognition today as Daughters of the Day.  4 is visiting in The Big Apple and I'm sure that its been a great weekend.  Miss you guys!

Hope everyone has a great week.


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