Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Almost a warm day here today. Tomorrow will be better.

I went over for a scheduled eye exam this morning. My eye-sight hasn't changed much, but my glasses were showing their age, and my sun glasses frames had broken. It had been a couple of years since my last appointment. The doc I go to does a real thorough exam and I feel like a bi-annual check-up is good medicine. But I don't recommend driving immediately afterwards. That dilation process leaves marks.

As I have stated here earlier, I have the Perfect Neighbor. Today, I came home a little early in anticipation of maybe doing a little yard work. He had already mowed it! Totally unsolicited.

4 did a play-by-play of the Big O's visit to Newton, Iowa today on her Twitter account. She was there with a crew from KCRG in CR. Oh-dark-hundred departure for her to be there by mid-morning to wait for The One. I'm pretty sure that Dubya wouldn't have taken any media heat for flying AF One to Iowa for a single appearance on Earth Day. Then again, I'm guessing AF One has already been converted to a hybrid. Prius One.

Another Sometimer's update. I thought that I had again lost my favorite (and very expensive) dry-fit gloves last Friday. Retraced all my steps. Searched the kitchen, cars, and office. Scoured the SB's L & F drawers. Queried the baristas. Officially declared them (the gloves, not the baristas) lost this morning after a final (and fruitless) interrogation of the coffee group.

This afternoon, while hanging up several jackets that had accumulated on kitchen chairs over the last couple of weeks, the gloves appeared in the pocket of a wind-shell vest that I had worn on Friday. A great ending, but how far away am I from the a true mental deficiency?

3 scored a BoSox ticket for today's game in Beantown. Right place, right time for a corporate outing that had been originally scheduled for last night's rained-out game, and the participants all didn't have flexibility to make it for an afternoon game today. She said Fenway's hotdog vendors need to consult with some cart boys from C-town.

The bug in my laptop has some staying power. It has embedded a feature that disables the auto-virus detection function. Nasty stuff. The IT guys will have to scrub it from square one.

All for tonight.


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