Monday, April 27, 2009


Golf outing today. Actually a pretty nice day, somewhat against the forecast, and I rode the entire round with my friend Bill, a nice bonus.

They do these things almost every Monday between now and Labor Day as fund raisers for different organizations. The way most outings work is that they get a primary sponsor to pay the discounted greens fees to the course, then solicit companies to be "Tee Box" sponsors, "Putting Green" sponsors, and "You-name-it" sponsors, which for a price, gets your name on some tacky sign some where on the course. And trust me, guys on a golf outing pretty much pay no attention to the names on the tacky signs.

And each golfer is usually paying a buck twenty five or a buck fifty for the privilige of duffing around the course, usually in a cool five hours or so. What a deal. But don't forget the free soda.

My goal is to disregard politics during the month of May. What I think or opine has no bearing on real outcomes, so why get upset over that which you have no control? 2 stipulates that you can create a habit if you do something for 23 days. If I'm successful, by 1's birthday, I'll be totally without interest in American politics. It's a thought.

The ND head shed is finding the doo-doo over their commencement speaker a bit sticky. A pro-life Harvard professor who served as Ambassador to the Vatican under Dubya and who was to receive a special recognition at the same commencement ceremony, has now declined the honor. An interesting twist to a self-inflicted controversy.

I'll be working on that habit change starting tomorrow.


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