Sunday, August 05, 2007


Very low key weekend. The cast is really bothersome.

1 and 1.1 were at the game in San Diego last night when Bonds hit his dinger. She had text-ed me earlier to let me know that Erin Andrews was at the game as well. Which told me that the game was on one of the ESPN channels, and it was. I actually saw the HR too.

2 helped me yesterday with my grocery shopping. Young people do that for the aged and the disabled.

Here's another example of network TV's lack of flexibility; the PGA tournament in Akron had the 4th round tee off early today in anticipation of bad weather later this afternoon. Rather than give the live feed to one of their cable networks, they will be showing it on tape delay during the regular scheduled time. They needed to get those infomercials on the air this morning. What BS.

I am getting tired of having to explain the cast to everyone. For my meetings in KC this week, I'm going to come up with a much more exciting story.

This is probably going to be a future Craig Wilson column. Late yesterday afternoon as I was lounging very hard on my couch watching golf on the tube, I noticed an older woman walking a little erratically passed my house. I stood to get a better view, and, as was my primary theory, I saw that she was walking a small dog. Near the end of my yard, the dog wandered to the parking, where it appeared to do it's Number 1 business. Then it came back across the sidewalk, and right under my front tree, it did a healthy dose of Number 2. The woman had been standing, watching somewhat bored. With the business done, they turned and went from which they had come.

The entire matter of pet littering is a long-standing irritant for me. I think that allowing a pet to dump on another's property, and leaving it there, is one of the most inconsiderate things that otherwise civil people commonly do. In this case, I thought about yelling at the woman, maybe even racing out with a plastic bag, cleaning the mess and handing it to her with an appropriate comment. In the end, I rationalized that doing anything to express my disgust would probably just scare the woman, who most likely lived by herself with the dog.

So I'm venting here.

On a broader scheme of things, I think that pet owners, generally, intuit that everyone shares their same love of the animal kingdom. A little dung on your yard is just some fertilizer that helps keep the planet green. A few hairs on your shirt? Some pooch jumping your leg, slobbering at your crotch? Minor inconveniences for the enjoyment of a faithful friend. Right.

My official position is that animals are great. Outside. On the farm. And that they stay there, particularly as I head by on my bike.

I saw my first editorial cartoon this AM about the Federal government being at fault for the Minnesota bridge collapse. It's just too easy of a target.

So I'm headed to the couch. Dog walkers beware.



Anonymous said...

i'm just popping in to say hello. i didn't get a chance to go back and read all of the posts we missed yet. this is the only hotel we've been in with free internet. the trip is excellent, and mission beach is awesome. we've done tons, and the bonds hit last night was definitely a highlight. we had a good crowd of people around us, bonds lovers and haters and it was pretty entertaining. the pregame bp's was a circus. bonds didn't take any swings, but failed to tell anyone, so there were tons of media waiting at the dugout for probably an hour. more to come later; someone else is looking to use the computer. we've been blessed with super weather! love to all

Anonymous said...

Martha said:

I totally agree with your comments about dogs.

Most owners ignore the posted rules about leashes and disposal of feces. They claim that their pet "wouldn't hurt anyone".

Of course, some bikers don't observe traffic signs or lights.

The Starbucks we go to has a patio with lots of dogs unless you go early. Sometimes we can't decide who is the most annoying; the owners or the pets.