Thursday, August 25, 2011


I had great intentions of posting yesterday, but that dental procedure put the damper on any creative thinking.  Fortunately, there's been little residual aches or pains today, so I'm hoping that I can just move on and let the implant heal over the next few months.  And back to normalcy in daily life.

Hardly shocking news here from the NASCAR garage.  I'm not sure how good of a driver Danica may be, but I certainly hope that she succeeds.  She brings eye-balls to the TV broadcasts and the more viewers for the sport, the better for everyone involved.  There's been lots of empty seats at many of the venues over the last couple of years, and the TV numbers are down as well. 

There will definitely be a sizeable amount of skepticism from those who think that she made the team based on her looks and sex-appeal.  I won't argue the point, but most entertainment stars need a "look" to attract the fans.  So she looks good in a bikini.  If she can run up front with the boys, the grousing will go away.  If she can't cut it on the track, she'll fade to the sidelines.  That doesn't mean necessarily that she has to win.  She just needs to run well.  Go-Daddy will keep funding her ride as long as she keeps in the news. 

Craig Wilson took the opportunity in his Wednesday USA Today column to take some shots at the Hawkeye state.  I'm a bit reluctant to link his article, but here it is:  The mainstream media has had a field day with not-so-thinly referenced guttural humor on the politicians at the state fair eating the corn dogs.  Wilson just couldn't help himself with a related, gratuitous smack at Michelle Bachmann.  Like Wilson was the first to come up with a column lampooning fried food at a fair out in the boonies.  (I'm no Bachmann fan, but I'm not letting an East Coast snob like Wilson get away with a free editorial shot either.)

More deserving of ridicule is (was?) the new Cy-Hawk Trophy for the Cyclone-Hawkeye rivalry.  The great minds that came up with the trophy worked for the same firm that did the Drake campaign last year.  Seriously, who can take a swing at these things and just consistently miss by a mile each time?

More later today.


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